Sunday, November 29, 2009

Grief is a Thief

Grief is a Thief
By: Katie del Bosque

Grief is a sticky messy thing
With all of the faces and stages it brings.
It's the elephant in the room no one's talking about.
Or the subject matter everyone could do without.

In a day you wake up and
life has changed as you know it.
It's like your wearing a clown suit
and nobody notices.

Or people don't want to see
and you really can't blame them.
They don't know what to say
and theres no need to shame them.

Because it's ice no one really wants to skate upon.
It's Water no one really wants to tread.
It's a hard class no one's signing up to take.
Or a book no ones vouluntarily read.

Grief is a thief on a bright sunny day.
Ignoring it doesn't make it go away.
If only it did then misieries would be solved,
Addictions healed, and ill relations resolved.

Theres no way around grief but to walk on through.
And to choose to believe God will carry you because,
Greif is a sticky messy thing
With all of the faces and stages it brings.